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[Sweetest person on earth, thoughtful and kind. With a voice like honey, freckled face, body to die for, and down to earth attitude; she somehow manages to be both cute and sexy at the same time. But don't take my word for it, listen to the people who know her.]

Subject: Some PJL & Melody Perkins Factoid
        Date: 11 May 1999 10:42:31 -0700
       From: miko <miko@newsguy.com>

One of the newest questions asked to PJL was:

Fan Q:
"What was it like working with Melody Perkins?"

"It was super cute the first time I met her.  It was when we were shooting the episode where she first appears...we're all captured by quantrons, when suddenly the new villainess surfaces from a cloud of smoke (or does she just materialize from out of nowhere?).  She looks mean and real b*tchy as she struts over to examine her prisoners...she gets in Cassie's face...my goodness did I feel oddball guilty for being so mean to such a sweet woman...just her voice alone can make any grumpy person smile in adoration...after the scene she admitted that I scared her at first..."

[December 15, 1999, the most recent Q/A by Archie Kao from Astroranger's Site.]

70.) How was it working with Melody Perkins as the newest member of the cast and team?

Working with Melody was a blessing. She is a wonderful person to be around, and when you're on a set as much as we were, you need to enjoy the company you keep.

[You might also wish to check out what fans, who sent mail to Mel, have to say about her. Their reports can be read in the Contact Melody section of this site.]