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Current News Page ( August - December 2000 / January - December 2001 )December 19, 2001 I know it's been slow for news, but here a bit of good. One of Mel's headshots and resume's are up for bid on ebay! If anyone's interested in a better scan; try here. Nov. 12, 2001
November 6, 2001
If anyone knows, please send me email (and screen caps if you got 'em)! October 29, 2001
October 12, 2001
October 2, 2001
September 25, 2001
Old pics have been moved to Lands End 4. September 19, 2001
However, Abrams Artists Agency is totally good! I called both numbers today and the nice people at AAA confirmed that they are her Management and they will forward fan mail to her! For more info on contacting Mel, check out the Contact Mel Page. September 18, 2001
September 3, 2001
In other news, I've added POTA to Mel's online resume. September 2, 2001
August 31, 2001
Expect updates when there are any, and don't forget to go see Mel in Planet of The Apes! August 21, 2001
In other news devinemi reports that LA Models is no longer Melody's modeling agent. I can't confirm that yet, but it jives with a vibe I got from them the last time we talked. If this is true there's not much point in sending letters to mel via them. And finally, I've updated both the Modeling and Contact Mel pages to reflect the preceding news. August 6, 2001
And don't forget to go see Mel in Planet of The Apes! August 5, 2001
August 3, 2001
Don't forget to go see Mel in Planet of The Apes! More news and info as it comes. August 2, 2001
Earlier today I finally got the chance to see Planet of the Apes and it's all true; monkey's are planning to take over the world! ... OK, maybe not. :) But Mel is indeed in the film. In the end credits she is almost the last name listed as "Friend's at Leo's Party." For those that are worried about spoilers ... don't. I won't reveal anything. She pops up just a couple minutes after the end of the opening credits. It's quick (less than Coyote Ugly) so stay sharp. For those who want to catch every second, here are a few tips: Listen for someone to tell Leo (Mark Walhberg) that he has a postcard. He'll leave and go to his quarters to watch (it's a video postcard). Scene opens on a party, all his family and friends. The camera pans across the crowd from left to right. Keep your eye on the right and watch for the big black guy (I think it was Chi McBride from Boston Public, but to tell the truth I was paying more attention to who was behind him :). Mel is right behind him in a blue bikini! The camera pans away to some other people, but that's not the end. Look for her to pop up again on the left hand side of your screen. All Leo's friends take turns saying hi and Mel pops up behind a blonde guy (her fiancé in the movie) to show off her engagement ring (lucky guy!). Everyone oooo's and aaah's and she just smiles and laughs along with them (looked like a fun party! :). And that's that. Thanks to everyone who went to see POTA and posted to the newsgroup or sent me an email. I really appreciate it (and Mel probably does too)! July 30, 2001
July 29, 2001
Subject: Melody Perkins in Planet Of The Apes!
Our lovely Karone/Astronema has a VERY brief role in Tim Burton's new Planet Of The Apes remake. No spoilers, but she's apparently an old friend of Leo Davidson (Mark Walhberg), and appears on a video tranmission to him (among a huge crowd of people) quite early in the film. I didn't recognize her until she showed off her engagement ring, but, yep, it's her. I think she may have been in a bikini, but that was probably all those loincloths in the movie clouding my memory. Rather ironic how she went to a primitive planet in PRLG on a space station, yet this time around she remains on Earth... Jesse Lee Herndon
July 24, 2001
July 17, 2001
Thanks go to Abe for letting me know about the poll! Expect more updates when there are any. July 13, 2001
If you look at the scan of the resume, you'll see that half the contact info (agent name and telephone number) are cut off. That's just the way it was on the original (I didn't accidentally cut that off when I scanned it). The number listed at the bottom of the html page was found on the web. I haven't had the chance to verify it yet. If anyone wants to give it a shot, please let me know what you find out! July 9, 2001
In bigger news. I just received Melody's current headshot and resume! No, this isn't a reply from Melody (I wish!). A while back a friend of mine introduced me tot he wonders of Ebay, and I found the headshot and resume up for sale (casting agencies generally clean out their files every 6 months and every 6 months there are people dumpster diving hoping to get one worth money). Long story short: I jumped on, bid and won. Yay! :) It came in the mail today. The wait was incredible but worth it. The headshot is awesome, great quality (it's the same one she used when auditioning for PR:iS). The resume was everything I'd hoped for: a little bit of interesting new info, some old and the name and address of her acting agency (the addy currently in the Contact Mel section is her modeling agency). Unfortunately the fax and telephone numbers are cut off (add that to the fact that the resume is 8 1/2 X 11 and you start to get some idea why she isn't being hired -- headshots are always 8 X 10, casting agents have filing cabinets specially designed to hold standard headshots; so when they get one with a mismatched resume they tend to just throw them out). Shouldn't be a problem though, quick search on the net should yield results. In any case, I'm going to do that, scan both and put them up on the front page (maybe some casting agent will happen by and take a look ... wouldn't that be cool!). So keep checking the site. I'm aiming to get it all up by the end of the week (but hoping to get it up sooner ... like tomorrow!). July 2, 2001
June 30, 2001
June 11, 2001
June 8, 2001
Look forward to more updates when ever something new happens. :) May 10, 2001
May 9, 2001
April 26, 2001
April 20, 2001
April 19, 2001
Some are just bigger versions of ones already on this site, but I'll post them along with the new ones anyway. April 10, 2001
April 8, 2001
March 28, 2001
That's it for now, I'll update with new stuff as soon as there's anything new. :) March 27, 2001
March 18, 2001
In other Gallery news, the Seventeen Magazine / Unionbay pics have been moved to the Other Gallery. March 16, 2001
That's it for now, I will update with new stuff as soon as there's anything new. :) March 15, 2001
Additionally, there was a bigger version of dirmel17.jpg in the catalog, so I scanned it and replaced the old version with it. It's in the Lands End 2 Gallery now. March 14, 2001
March 13, 2001
In site updates, old pics have been moved from the Galleries Page and archived in the Second Lands End Gallery. Additionally, the February news has been moved to the 2001 News Archive. March 01, 2001
February 25, 2001
February 19, 2001
Official Website
Thanks to Lyanna for the tip! If anyone learns anything, please let me know! February 16, 2001
February 15, 2001
Additionally, old pics have been moved from the Gallery page and archived in Lands End 2. February 14, 2001
The next three new pics from the Lands End Spring Catalog are in the Gallery. The last 3 will probably be up tomorrow. February 13, 2001
February 12, 2001
In happier news, I received a new Lands End catalog in the mail and there are 8 new pics of Mel in it (two of which can be found on the website -- if anyone's wondering why those aren't up right now; I've decided to hold off and just post the scans, as they'll be a lot bigger and better quality than those from the website). Time permitting, I'll scan those today and have them up tomorrow. In other news, there is one catalog out right now that I missed. I tried to order it from Lands End but they say that they only sent that one to "prospective customers" and don't have any left to send to me. :( So, if anyone has the one with "a woman and a little girl" on the cover, please do send in scans so I can put them up and share them with the rest of the fans. :) In related news, I'd like to thank both Lyanna and Lightspeed_red for keeping me up to date regarding pics showing up on the Lands End website and for letting me know about new catalogs. You guys have been a big help! Thank you for everything; it is most appreciated! :) February 9, 2001
In other news, I still don't have the new catalog pics yet, so if anyone does, please send them in. February 8, 2001
I still don't have the new Lands End pics yet, so if anyone does, please send them in. February 5, 2001
I don't have it yet, but I'll get 'em up as soon as I can. If anyone has them, I'll give you credit if you send them in and allow me to post them on my site. February 1, 2001
January 30, 2001
January 29, 2001
January 28, 2001
Happy Birthday Mel! And here's hoping you many more! :) January 27, 2001
I hope everybody sent their cards and what-not in already, but if you didn't, don't let it stop you. A late gift is better than none at all! :) Check the Contact Mel page for addresses. January 26, 2001
In other news, Divine Melody has updated with a bunch of new screen caps and movs from MITM and a bunch of other great stuff too! January 25, 2001
Send 'em in now and they should get there just in time! :) Also, there will be site wide updates throughout this birthday period to make the Fact Page a little more presentable to a wider range of surfers. I'll be updating all the pages with a table that should keep them looking great, even on screens formatted to higher resolutions (for optimal viewing, see this page with your screen area set at 800 X 600 and with Netscape as your browser). Plus, I'll be updating the Film and TV section with a full PR:iS episode list (with all of the bloopers Mel appeared in) and the Coyote Ugly DVD info. Some new links on the Links page as well. And, finally, some of the pics from Lands End have been archived in the new Lands End 2 Gallery. This should all be done by the 28th. January 24, 2001
In happier news, Mel's birthday is coming up on Sunday the 28th! January 23, 2001
You can go to the front page by clicking the link above or go directly to the review. January 21, 2001
Melody Online has updated with three great pics from Coyote Ugly.January 16, 2001 Well, it's a little late today, but here are the last 3 pics of Mel from the February issue of Lands End. In other news: Coyote Ugly should be available for rental all around the USA today. The DVD should be out soon as well. Thanks to lightspeed_red for the tip! January 15, 2001
Mel did not appear on MITM last night. (No, I don't expect her character to make another appearance, but I'm keeping my eye out just in case ... besides, it's a great show! :) January 14, 2001
In other news, Lyanna has updated Divine Melody.com with lots of cool new stuff. Also, word has it that Brent is planning an update for Absolute Melody some time in the future. I'll let you all know if I hear anything. January 12, 2001
In other news, the Coyote Ugly DVD will be coming out on Tuesday of next week! You can pre-order a copy for $20 at Amazon.com and probably a few other places. I'll try and put something up about that when it comes out. If anyone has more info about the DVD release, please send me email! I'd love to hear what you have to say! :) January 5, 2001
January 4, 2001
In other news, Coyote Ugly will be coming out on DVD soon. More on that later. January 3, 2001
Current News page has been broken up for faster loading. January 2, 2001
January 1, 2001
In other news, anyone catch Convention last night on Malcolm In The Middle? Great episode, as usual! And a perfect set up for some hilarity to happen if Francis comes back to realize just how wonderful Patty really is, and how much he messed up by blowing her off. ... and then, of course, she can get her revenge by making him dangle for a while, and teach him a real lesson about being so shallow. :) Boy! I really hope the writers bring back Mel's character. Hey, anyone know how to work up a petition to bring back a character? We've got the Malcom mailing address so we could send it in or just let them know it's online. And I'd definitely sign on for one of those! :) I just have no idea how to start. :( |